Monday, February 12, 2007

Hakuna Matata

Seems some doubt has been cast on my being the proprietor of the cuddly giraffe picture below, so to dispel the rumors, here are a few more pics I took in Nairobi.
Yes gentlemen I can take pictures.


oyzz said...

faithless f*@#!rs

Carmen said...

I'm really tall so kids used to call me giraffe when I was in school. I hated them for a while (giraffes) but now have a special affinity with them...

Pete said...

Jester, I love the pictures you took in Nairobi. It looks like you were in a great spot to see some truly amazing things. Good for you!

Pete said...

Jester, I love the pictures you took in Nairobi. It looks like you were in a great spot to see some truly amazing things. Good for you!