I tried to let this slide but I can't...
About 3 years ago, I believe after breaking up with Mad N (who is now incidentally married and with child) I ran into R at the Heliopolis club. This was during my healthy jogger phase so we kept running into each other, no pun intended, completely coincidentally, which was nice. We knew each other from school but had never really developed any real friendship despite the fact that she briefly dated a very good friend of mine (who later broke her heart and who is now incidentally married and a father). She was energetic, quirky, smart, funny, in short I began developing an interest in her. After the second or third week it became obvious I liked her and I decided to invite her out for coffee, (and dessert , always dessert), to test the waters.
It was disastrous. I had just about as much charm as a cup of Cole slaw; I was nervous, sweaty, anxious, my timing was all screwed up, everything about the night was off. To make things worse, R, who apparently was still quite scorched from her previous experience, decided to shoot down all hope by bringing up the ever morbid topic of marriage. She didn't have time for any advances she said, especially those made by gits I thought. We spoke a little about relationships in general and the conversation dwindled into the usual flaccid statements people make when things get awkward. She knew exactly what my intentions were and she made it quite clear she wasn't interested. Ok, got it, thank you very much, moving on. And I did, but obviously not before trying to reach her a few more times just to make sure that I embarrassed myself adequately enough.
Fast forward two years, Jester receives a phone call in the early hours of the night, the voice sounds vaguely familiar, she jokes and giggles refusing to let on, he finally comes to, "Yekhreb beitek elhlly fakkarek beyya"!
They talk for a half hour, her questions are precise invoking details she'd apparently retained for two years. He's flattered and asks to see her. They decide to meet the following Friday. They go for a walk, he guides her through his favorite Heliopolis side streets pointing out favorite buildings, trees, and "quaint pockets of beauty amongst the rubble". They talk about African music, she dreams of Mali, he perspires as he recounts his trips to Dakar, Cape Town, Accra and Stone Town, obviously trying to impress her. It's almost romantic.
She tells him she's leaving again to continue her doctorate, shame she didn't call earlier, he thinks. He tries to see her again, sending seemingly casual messages inquiring whether she has time to sneak away from family obligations. Her response is curt, brusque, almost impatient "Brother and wife coming to visit...", no harm in being flexible he thinks "I'm free later... let me know...", "Very busy, will ring you". She doesn't.
She does manage a farewell message before she flies out, Jester feels a little redeemed, a little disappointed.
There's a dream sequence in the Hulk where the Hulk and Bruce Banner stare at each other through a mirror and suddenly the Green Behemoth punches through it, shards of glass flying, he grabs a terrified Bruce by the neck and with loathing exclaims "Puny human!".
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I dont think it would've worked. Her call seems to have been a desperate attempt to regain some self confidence in herself before she sets off, otherwise why didn't she call again?
I think you're spot on. That was my initial conclusion too. Seems like she just wanted to make sure that "nope he's not the one"...guess I could look at it differently and feel a little flattered.
if you ask me, which you should, i think you could have done better... with her ya m3allem. moshkeltak ya jester ennak mafhemtesh lessa el banat. homma absat keteer min ma tatakhayyal. sadda2ni. we ba3dein fil akher heyyali khasrana ya man. el sabr gameel, we rabbena yekhallelna ahaleena, yedawaro weyla2olna el gada3a el amoora elli tes3edna wet-haneena. dessert da bta3 el aganeb. we ba3dein khalli balak... esh dammanak en el bent elli takol ma3ak dessert mateshrabsh ma3ak beera kaman, walla ma3 gheirak 7atta. eshteri demaghak ya m3allem.
Mishtireeha wi 3alayya e2sat. Bas ya3ni eh ya ro7 khaltak mish fahim elbanat?...nawwarna ya 3alem bo7oor elmar2a.
Any man who says he understands women is a liar!
Women are more complex & complicated than anything on earth.
I dont understand what gayyash says but the last bit sounds old fashioned. When you find someone, there wont be games to waste your time on. I still believe that girl just wanted to boost her ego, you did the right thing by calling but next time beware, she may start using you to comfort herself.
I wouldn't go so far as to call him a liar, annoying and relatively disturbed perhaps! I think what gayyash is saying is don't take things so seriously which I have a tendency to do. I don't subscribe to the notion that some men understand women and others don't although I don't altogether deny that there is something to understand about women.
when someone claims that he understands women, i take it that he fully understands how they function, their emotions, their mentality. That is simply untrue & so the claim is false.
One can understand a fraction of their actions but that doesnt make one understand them.
If you tend to take things seriously with women, that is a good thing but not with everyone you meet, i find some women are good to have as friends, some others are god as very good friends, some are so lousy its better to stay away. The one you are looking for i presume is uncommon, difficult to find but not impossible, so keep up the seriousness.
yeah we're messed up...awelhom ana.
i guess she just wanted a wee flirtation keda.
Well, No women no cry ... !!!
Women are bitches, men are assholes. It's really all that simple.
Basil, so who are the pricks?
in my humble opininon, there ARE things to GET about how attraction works with females, and that once you master these things, flirting and attracting girls becomes a much easier task , or not a task at all actually, more of a fun and sometimes challenging activity.
that doesnt solve everything though. since what happens with the attraction mechanism is that its totally biological and beyond control, but then reality sets in and the attractive "bad boy" qualities may not seem as attractive anymore, if they arent backed with a true good unselfish and stable character, because its not as simple as just pulling the girl, its keeping her. thats if you really want to.......
ya3ni we kollona lahha
we Allahu a3lam
Сущность в том, сколько общество точно желание одобряет и поддерживает такой треугольник, несмотря для все сплетня о семейных ценностях: ибо бытует суждение, сколько семья семьей, а «всетаки мужчины по природе полигамны и любовница, как минимум одна, солидному мужику простой необходима». Таким образом тот, кто может подсчет себя «солидным мужиком» как сообразно указу общества и по его понятиям – иногда не хочет, а заведет любовницу, потому который «требуется». [url=http://profvesti.ru/o-stroitelstve/52-osobennosti-stroitelstva.html]ремонт квартир в новостройках[/url]
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